Sunday, June 26, 2016

Given a string and a non-empty substring sub, compute recursively if at least n copies of sub appear in the string somewhere, possibly with overlapping. N will be non-negative.

strCopies("catcowcat", "cat", 2) → true
strCopies("catcowcat", "cow", 2) → false
strCopies("catcowcat", "cow", 1) → true

public boolean strCopies(String str, String sub, int n) {
  return (copies(str,sub,0)==n);

int copies(String str,String  sub, int index)
   return 0;
      return 1+ copies(str,sub,index+sub.length());
  return copies(str,sub,index+1);

boolean equals(String str,String sub,int strIndex,int subIndex)
    return true;
  if(strIndex == str.length())
    return false;
    return str.charAt(strIndex)==str.charAt(subIndex) && equals(str,sub,strIndex+1,subIndex+1);

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